Day 14 – 400 miles ran…and counting!
Cold Spring -> Santa Barbara -> Rincon Mountain
This morning, Richard and Eric were cruising down the mountain, into Santa Barbara! Thanks Eric for coming back to run two more days with Richard!
After they made it down the mountain, they finally got back onto the coast of Santa Barbara and enjoyed the wonderful weather! Watch a small clip about Richard loving Santa Barbara:
Day 13 – 370 miles ran…and counting!
Foley Vineyards -> Santa Ynez -> Cold Spring
This morning’s run finished at the Santa Ynez Airport. Panos finished his last 15 miles with a blister on his toe. Thank you Panos for hanging tough with Richard!! He loves hearing someone else’s footsteps. The second run of the day was the hardest with 86 degrees on their backs!
Fun Fact: Richard wears 2 new pairs of socks a day, 2 new shirts a day (he has 5 shirts), 2 new shorts a day (he brought a dozen) and wears a new visor (he has 3 visors) when he runs 15 miles, twice a day, 3 days in a row. The 4th day = REST and ICE. He takes an ice bath immediately following the second run, every day. Some hotels do not had bath tubs, so he cannot ice after some runs, which leaves him in a little more pain the next day.
Day 12 – 340 miles ran…and counting!
Santa Maria -> Vandenberg -> Foley Vineyards
This morning Richard and Panos are running through wine country with wonderful views!!
Richard’s friends and supporters came up today to surprise him!! These are just some of the amazing people who have helped make Richard’s 700 mile run possible. Thank you to everyone who has helped plan, drive, run, coordinate and everything between! We couldn’t do it without such a great support system – thank you!
What a great send-off to the next 15 miles of Day 12.
Day 11 – 310 miles ran…and counting!
San Luis Obispo -> Arroyo Grande -> Santa Maria
Today is Livestrong Day and we are extremely grateful for all the support they have provided to ENF. Richard is running today in a yellow Livestrong shirt in honor of their day and to show gratitude. Thank you Livestrong Foundation for your support!
Richard has finished Livestrong today!! Good news- yesterday he weighed himself and he has maintained his weight, which is excellent! He burns through about 7000 calories a day, so we are glad he is eating a lot.
Richard’s buddy, Panos, drove up from San Diego this morning to run with Richard this weekend. Thank you Panos – you are awesome. Look closely and you will see a photographer from the Santa Maria Times taking pictures of the guys for a beautiful article featuring Richard’s Run: Father of cancer victim running 700 miles to raise funds & awareness
Day 10 – 280 miles ran…and counting!
Cambria -> Morro Bay -> San Luis Obispo
Saw the first live snake on the side of the road this morning. Eric joined Richard for his 3rd 15-mile run in a row this morning heading toward Morro Bay. Richard is on Day 10 of running 30 miles a day. The sun came out strong today and its a little hotter out. Richard really likes hearing someone else’s footsteps next to his but he is really looking forward to tomorrow’s day off!
Great finish guys in Morro Bay. Three smoke stacks in Morro Bay reminded them of Cardiff. “Felt just like doing a train run” San Diego runners know what that means!
Day 9 – 250 miles ran…and counting!
Ragged Point -> Hearst Castle -> Cambria
Richard ran through San Simeon pretty much on flat land with the wind at his back.
He finished in Cambria. He had a slightly longer route today and not as “thrilling” as his run through Big Sur. His route consisted of flat land, except for one LONG hill, and rolling grass lands (some cows) to his left. He is… running to raise funds and awareness for ENF!

Day 8 – 220 miles ran…and counting!
Big Creek Turnout -> Gorda -> Ragged Point
Richard’s friend, Eric, is joining Richard for the first 15 miles this morning from Big Creek Bridge to Sand Dollar Picnic Area. Thanks Eric for your support!!! Go Richard and Eric GO!

Day 7 – 190 miles ran….and counting!
Bixby Creek Bridge -> Ventana -> Big Creek Turnout
During the morning, Richard was running with the clouds, through beautiful scenery. Then, he powered UP HILL the last 3 miles of the morning run with the sun beating down on him in Ventana.
Richard finished running (Saturday) about 45 miles through BIG SUR > which was tough due to the sun that came out strong in the afternoon. He is taking a much-needed day off today (Sunday). He ran through Big Sur to raise funds and awareness for ENF. On Monday, he will finish in San Simeon!
Day 6 – 160 miles ran….and counting!
Marina -> Carmel -> Bixby Creek Bridge
Fun Fact: Richard has 8 pairs of the same men’s 890 New Balance running shoes. So far he has used a new pair of shoes every day, then he will recycle through them.
This morning, after finishing in Carmel, he said he really enjoyed listening to the sea lions along Monterey Bay!
Day 5 – 130 miles ran….
Aptos -> Watsonville -> Marina
Richard said he took it a little easier today because most of the course was flat, and every day has had hills. He has Big Sur coming up for the second half of Friday and all day Saturday. He said he enjoyed all the agriculture, especially the “Strawberry Fields Forever” –
He seemed to be in a very happy place on this morning’s run. He said it was very quiet out, and that he thought a lot about the strawberry fields. He doesn’t get bored….he just stays relaxed, and every now and then, adjusts his form.
Watsonville -> Marina
Major wind factor this afternoon. No hills to block the wind so, throughout the run, Richard was getting blown away at every angle. See how the wind blows through the American flag on his run: He only stopped once on this 15 mile trek to get some more powder and water in his bottle. As much as the winds blew all around him, he remained very calm and Zen-like. He shared his personal thoughts in this video crossing a bridge over HWY 1:
THANK YOU to everyone who sponsored him in MONTEREY/CARMEL.